
发布 2019-12-27 02:57:28 阅读 6007


how to keep fit ?

we all know that the health of our important,butfo you know how to keep fit ?

want to keep fit,we‘ll h**e plenty of sleep,eatthefruitandvegetableanddrinkofwatereveryday,these are good for health.

want to keep fit,we mustn’t go to work to keep fit,we must goto bed early andget up early.

want to keep fit,we must h**e healthy habits.


i think healthy habits are very important for us.

all of us want to be healthy. first, we should getenough sleep during the night. we can go to bed more fruit and vegetables and less meat.

we shoulddrink a lot of water. we should h**e healthy eatinghabits. third, we should do more exercise to build should go to see the doctor at once.


i think healthy living habits are very importantforusincurrentsociety,.first,we should eat plenty of fruits and meat or exercise are bad for health. good rest, less meatandfish, shouldn’t stay up so my oinpoin ,weshould we must living habits.


good living habits are important to our lives,which ensure us a healthy body and a good mood. h**inga good rest is the basic, so that we can h**e enoughenergy in the whole day. otherwise, we can do

thatistellinguspayattention to our eating. finally, doing exercises isessential. it brings us health as well as relaxationandpleasure..

inshort,healthyliving habits bring many benefits, although sometimesyou even do not realize.






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