
发布 2020-05-09 03:01:28 阅读 2331

1. 同学们,你上周做了些什么呢?可以写一写,让我们分享一下吗?

last week

孙丽英。last week i was very busy. on monday i read some books.

on tuesday i played with friends. on wednesday i played badminton with my sister. on thursday i watched tv.

on friday i surfed the net. it was a good week.

2. 同学们,相信你去年的暑假一定过得很有趣吧,你能把它写下来告诉我们吗?

last summer holiday i was busy. i did my homework. i surfed the net.

i watched tv. i cleaned up the room. i played with friends.

i was happy.

3. 写一段话,谈谈昨天你做的事情。

yesterday i was busy.

4. 同学们,暑假快到了,你打算怎样过一个有意义的假期呢?请你想一想,写一写。

5. 请告诉你的同学,这个周末你准备去做什么,并用英语写下来。(this weekend i’m going to…)

6. 先写出你的假期计划,然后写几句话。

my plan

go on vacation

surf the net

meet some friends

7.暑假快到了,tony计划过一个快乐的暑假,请你想一想,写一写。参考词汇(read some books, surf the net )

8. 根据所给单词写一段话。不少于5个句子。(学习辅导第22页)

he has \ she has…

he \ she should…

headache, stomachache, cold, fever, toothache, )

he has a headache. he should see the doctor.

9.同学们,现在由你来当天气预报员,请你报道一下未来两天的天气情况。参考词汇:it will be… there will be…

hello, this is the weather. tomorrow it will be sunny in the morning and hot in the afternoon. there will be wind in the evening.

the day after tomorrow it will be rainy in the morning. in the afternoon it will be hot and sunny.


it will be cloudy tomorrow morning. it will be warm tomorrow afternoon. it will be rainy and windy tomorrow evening.

the day after tomorrow it will be windy in the morning. it will be hot and sunny in the afternoon. it will be cloudy in the evening.


my house

this is my house. there is a kitchen and a dining room. there is a living room.

there are three bedrooms. there is a bathroom. there is a garden and two balconies.

my house is nice and big. do you like my house?

11. 请简单画画你心目中的房子,然后用英语描述出来。

in my dream house there will be a living room. there will be a dining room. there will be b kitchen.

there will be three bedrooms. there will be two bathrooms. there will be a balcony.

it will be big and nice.


this is tony’s new apartment. there will be…


gogo’s new apartment

this is gogo’s new apartment. there will be a …





5. 同学们,相信你去年的暑假一定过得很有趣吧,你能把它写下来告诉我们吗?



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