
发布 2020-07-30 06:54:28 阅读 5926



1、what class are you in?你在哪个班?

2、i can’t find my classroom.我找不到我的教室。3、may i know your name ?

我能知道你的名字吗?4、let me show you around.让我带你到处转一转。

5、it’s very kind of you.你真是太好了。

6、let’s go and borrow some books.让我们去借一些书吧。7、what would you like to drink/eat?

你想喝点/吃点什么?8、what do you usually do on that day?

9、help yourself to some fruit.请自便吃些水果。10、my mother is coming home.我妈妈要回来了。

11、what do you call them in english?用英语怎么称呼它们?12、they look so nice!=how nice they look!

13、are they made of pumpkins?它们是由南瓜制作而成的?14、it always follows the witch.

它始终跟着巫婆。15、here is an e-mail about...这是一封关于。

的邮件。16、thank you for your e-mail.感谢你的电子邮件。

17、what a pretty christmas tree!好棒的一棵圣诞树!18、look at those coloured lights.


a:where is the music room?**教室在哪儿?

b:it’s on the first floor.在一楼。

a:where is the classroom?教室在哪儿?

b:it’s beside the teachers’office.在教师办公室旁边。

2、询问现在正在做某事用 are you doing?你正在做什么?b:

i am reading books.我正在读书。a:

what is she/he doing?她(他)正在做什么?b:

she/he is singing.她(他)正在唱歌。3、询问客人想喝点什么用what.

a:what would you like to drink?你想喝点什么?

b:i’d like some juice,please.我想要一些果汁。4、询问交通方式用how

a:how did you come here?你是怎样来这儿的?

b:i came here on foot.我步行过来的。

5、询问时间用 is teachers’ day?b:it’s on september 10th.


a:who is this?b:it’s father christmas.

a:who is she/he ?b:

she/he is my mother/ are they? b:they are my classmate.

7、询问原因用why,回答必用 do you like ?b:because ..

8、表示委婉请求用may i...a:may i h**e a look?b:yes, i help you?

b:yes,please. /no, thank you.

9、祈使句,请某人做某事。a:clean the bedroom, right.

/ ok./no problem.10、一般疑问句(be动词放句首)单数:

a:is this a cat? /is that a cat?

/is it a cat?肯定回答:yes, it is.

否定回答:no,it isn’t.复数:

a:are these cats?/are those cats?

肯定回答:yes, they are.否定回答:no, they aren’t.



2、family name+first name=full name



first,second, third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth)on the first floor.在一楼4、具体的某天前用介词“on”(1)it’s on the september 10th.

2)it is on the fourth thursday of november in america.(3)our mid-autumn festival is on august 15thin chinese lunar


5、“the”表特指,指前面已经提过的事物。6、what a引导感叹句。(1)what a nice room!(2)what a mess!

3)what a pretty christmas tree!7、想要做某事want to

1)i want to read your book harry potter.(2)we want to play computer games.


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