
发布 2020-08-01 19:49:28 阅读 7728


二、连线。sad thin reading a book playing the piano strong old


a、bus b、bike c、pen

2、绿灯应该( )

a、ɡo b、stop c、wait

3、想要问别人车站在**应该说( )

a、excuse me, where is the bus stop?

b、how can i ɡot to the cibrary?

c、where is the cinema?

4、our english teaeher a chinese。

a、is b、am c、are

5、what’s your hobby?(

a、i ɡo to schoot by bus .

b、he ɡoes to work by bike .

c、i like playing football .

6、“正在骑自行车”的正确英文是( )

a、by bus b、by ship c、riding a bike

7、a、why do you like winter?

b、 l can make a snowman

a、then b、so c、because

8、the yellow light means

a、stop b、wait c、go

9、l h**e four

a、a book b、book c、books

10、--do you like?

---i like playing football.

a、what b、where c、how

11、how do you ɡo to schoot?(

a、in the merning b、no,i don't c、by bike

12、what does your father do?he is a

a、apple b、news***** c、writer

13、does she teaeh english?no

a、she doesn’t b、he doesn’t c、she does

14、happy birthday!(

a、the same to you b、thank you c、no

15. how are you, mike? you look so

it's raining outside. i can't play football.

a. happy b. excited c. sad

is 160cm tall. ted is 10cm shorter than him. how tall is ted?(

a. 150cm b. 160cm c. 170cm

s the matter? (

my leg __

a. hurts b. sore c. is hurts

18.__did you go on your holiday? (


a. what b. where c. how

you __pictures yesterday?(

a. take b. took c. taking



a.come here and join us.

b.please come to my twelfth birthday party.

c.thank you for all coming.


a.how can i get to the cinema?

b.it's very far.

c.where is the cinema?

)3. 当你想问别人怎样到达图书馆时,你该怎样说?

a.how can i get to the library?

b.can i help you?

c.the library is near the hospital.

)4 .当你想问别人明天想干什么时,你该怎样说?

a. what are you going to do tomorrow ?

b. where are you going to do ?

c. i’m going to the bookstore.


)1、take a tripa、读书。

)2、read a bookb、写电子邮件。

)3、write an e-mailc、玩游戏。

)4、play gamesd、去看电影。

)5、go to the cinemae、去旅行。

)6、by subwayf、交通灯。

)7、evey dayg、乘坐地铁。

)8、science museumh、每天。

)9、post officei、科学博物馆。

)10、traffic lightj、邮电局。


a、 where is the library?

b、 a、how can i ɡo to the hospital?

b、you can ɡo

a、but how can i ɡet to the bus stcp?

b、go straight,then

a、thank you!

b、 七、阅读短文,判断“正或误”,正确的画“t”,错误的画“f”。(20分)

iamanenglish boy ,my name is james .i’m love in china with my ɡo to school by bike every h**e a chinese are in the same(相同的) class . he’sname is li is 1 year older than me.

he likesplaying football,i like playing football too.


)1、james is a chinese boy .

)2、james and lifeng are in the same class .

)3、li feng is one year yoanger than james .

)4、li feng is a chinese boy .

)5、li feng likes playing football , but james likes running .


is an american boy..(english)

2. i h**e a sore throat.(h**e a fever).

3. what did mickey buy last week?(yesterday)

are you going to do this weekend?(nest sunday)

shorter than me.(taller)

九、用特殊疑问词where, who, when, what, how, whose, why填空。


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