
发布 2021-02-06 16:35:28 阅读 7557

hotel english

上网 surfing internet 宽带 broadband net work 宽带接口 interface 光驱 cd-rom

有线上网 cable 网吧 net bar杀毒软件 antivirus software

网页 web page 键盘 keyboard无线上网 wireless

** website 浏览网页 surf webpage ** download 上传 upload

垃圾邮件 spam 硬盘 hard disk/hard drive 软盘 floppy disk 耳机 earphone

鼠标 mouse扫描仪 scanner*** *** player 电源 power supply

移动硬盘 usb disk 死机 crashing功能 function usb接口 usb interface

usb 连线 usb cable 产品说明书 product instruction book回车 enter


1. 我可以打印这个吗?can i type this myself?

2. 当然,您可以用那边的电脑。certainly sir. you can use the computer over there.

3. 使用电脑的最低收费是十五分钟,一小时是三十元。

the mini charge using the computer is one quarter. it’s 15 yuan one quarter 30 yuan

per hour.

4. 您打好了,我可以帮您打印出来吗?when you are finished, i’ll print it out for you.

5. 你们有互联网服务吗?有的。每小时30元。do you h**e internet service? yes, we do.

6. 您可以在商务中心上网,费用是每小时30元。

you’re can surfing internet in the business center. the charge is 30 yuan per hour.

7. 只是发几封电邮,就一小会时间。i’ll send a few e-mail, just be a moment.

8. 您用完电脑了吗?are you finished with the computer?

9. 好的,45分钟,费用30元。okay, that was 45 minutes, so the charge is 30 yuan.


just a moment, if i use the computer for 45 minutes, shouldn’t it be about 15 yuan?

11.对不起,我们收费是以半小时为准。i’m sorry, we charge by the half an hour.

12.我打字不够快,你能帮我吗?i don’t type fast enough, can you help me?


i’m not familiar whit this format, could you show me how to use it?

14.我可以把文件存在这的硬盘上吗?can i s**e my files in the hard drives here?

15.请告诉我如何**这部分文件?please show me how to download part of this file?


downloading an image form this website and print it for me.

17.帮我扫描这个文件然后发送到我的邮箱。scan this ***** and send it to my mailbox.

18.酒店的**是什么? what’s the hotel web address?

19.我想你的电脑出毛病了。i think your computer is sick.

20.什么意思?what do you mean my computer is sick?

21.电脑一直死机。the computer keeps crashing.

22.电脑死机前你的文件有没有存盘?did you s**e your file before your computer crushed?


this image file is too big, it will take 30 minutes to download.

24.将这个文件拷贝到我的磁盘上。 copied file over to my floppy disk.

插入后找不到移动盘符。 after connection the usb cable, can not find the removable disk.


check usb cable weather normal correct with the computer and the *** player.

27.检查usb接口连接线是否损坏? check usb cable weather is damaged.

28.检查usb接口连接线是否从电脑上脱落。 check usb cable weather shed off from the computer or the *** player.

29.为什么网速这么慢? why the connect is so slowly?


it happens sometimes. there are lots of people on the line this time.


i’m very sorry to hear that sir. i’m afraid it’s the often case during the peak hours.


there are over 190 million people around the world on the internet.

33.需要帮忙请告诉我。 please let me know when you need me.

34.这个游戏在网上很流行。 this game is very popular in the internet.

35.可以搜索一些相关的**得到资料。 you can search the web to get some information about it.


i’d like to h**e these documents printed out and then send to australia by fax.

37.请问有多少页?大约有六页。 how many pages sir? about 6.


i’m sorry sir, in order to **oid virus, we’ll scan your disk first.


can you type this for me? certainly sir, the typing for a4 size is 30 yuan per page.

40.您喜欢什么字体?这一种。 which one would you like? this one.

41.您喜欢什么规格的纸? and what size ***** would you like?


how big would you like to print? the letter is rather short, i think it will look better if the type is a little larger.


do you want the letter single spaced? could you please double space it so i can read it easily.


would you like this report done in a formal or informal style?


would you like this letter typed on company or personal stationery?

it’s a business letter so please type it on the company stationery.


here is the first draft, please check it and make any necessary correction. then i’ll print the final draft.

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作者 佚名资源 中学英语吧点击数 26426更新时间 3 28 2008 beginningaclass 开始上课 上课 同学们好 同学们 老师们,早晨好 下午好 起立 请坐 今天谁值日?大家都出席了吗?有人缺席吗?谁没来?咱们上课吧。今天我们讲学习新课。今天星期几?今天的天气怎么样?inclass...