中学常用英语短语 4

发布 2021-02-06 19:58:28 阅读 7400


216、award a prize to sb授奖予某人;

例句:the universityawardedhim an honorary degree.这所大学授给他名誉学位。

the champion wasawardedthe gold medal.冠军被授予了金牌。

the judge awarded costs to the defendant.法官判由原告向被告支付诉讼费。

短语:award a prize to sb授奖予某人;award sb the title of combat hero授予某人以战斗英雄的称号;honour sb with an award授给某人奖金;award by the arbitrator仲裁人的裁决;award for…的判决,因…得的奖;

用法:(1)、award的宾语后接to,表示授予对象;接for表示授予原因。如:we award medals to the men for their br**ery.

2)、award可有双宾语,表示“授予某人某物”。如:they awarded him the prize.

(3)、award表示授予,奖给时,后多接双宾语,在多数场合下用被动形式be awarded;


配套练习:she has been __first prize four years in succession.

a. rewarded b. awarded c. prize d. paid

my father was once __the title of “advanced worker” for his excellent work in his company.

a. rewarded b. paid c. prize d. awarded

custody of the children was awarded to the mother.

a. awarded b. rewarded c. prize d. paid

the university __him an honorary degree.

a. drained b. awarded c. approached d. rewarded

three university departments h**e been __600,000 to develop good practice in teaching and learning.

217、be aware of意识到;觉察到;

例句:i don't think people are really aware of this problem.我认为人们并没有真明白这个问题。

their sudden attack made us more aware of the danger around us.他们的突然攻击使我们更意识到我们周围的危险。


aware短语:make sb. aware of sth.

使某人明白……;not that i am aware of据我所知没有;as/so far as i am aware就我所知;

用法:be aware of表示“意识到”,为系表结构,后接名词、代词或what引导的宾语从句,若接其他宾语从句不能带of。

配套练习:1). 单项填空:

one may be __of fear, but not altogether __of the danger which is going on about one.

a. aware; conscious b. conscious; aware c. aware; aware d. conscious; conscious

when searching for fares on budget airlines though,be___the fees.

a. aware of b. worried about c. familiar with d. accustomed to

if you __all that, you would change your mind.

accustomed to familiar with aware of aware

butyoualwaysh**e tobe___thatpossibility.

a. accustomed to b. worried about c. familiar with d. aware of

people trying to earn money also mustbe___being ripped off.

a. accustomed to b. worried about c. aware of d. familiar with



heh**ing done something wrong.


his deedshis kindness.

218、back up 支持;援助,例句:

we should try to back up the disabled.我们应该尽力去帮助残疾人。

i'll back you up no matter what's happening.不论发生什么事,我都会支持你。

the new evidence backed up my argument.新的证词有助于我的辩论。

短语:put one's back up使生气; 变得倔强;get someone's back up惹某人生气run up the back背后攻击,背后说人坏话;get one's back up使某人生气;back up(因积聚而)拥堵;one's back is up生气;back against 面对,反对;back by sb's influence 在某人权势的支持下;back away from 从…避开;back into the garage 倒进车库;back onto 背朝着;

back up的其它用法:

堵塞;如:clogged pipes backed up drain water.阻塞的水管堵塞了沟水。

倒退,后退;如:‘don't shoot!’ he said and backed up.“别开枪!” 他说着往后退。

back up还可以指倒车。如:back up a bit so i h**e room to get out.把车往后倒一点,好腾点地方让我把车开出去。

back something up是指备份。如:we back up the computers on fridays.我们每周五进行电脑备份。

配套练习:the policeman wouldn't h**e believed me if you hadn't backed me __

a. up b. by c. into d. against

he sat in a chair which was tipped back __the wall.

a. up b. by c. into d. against

he had to back his car __because the mountain path was too narrow.

a. up b. by c. into d. against

you are to be back __9 o'clock.

a. up b. by c. into d. against

the vehicles were backed __because of the accident.

a. up b. by c. into d. against

he dropped back __his old habit of drinking.

a. up b. by c. into d. against

219、be based on根据;以。为基准; base oneself/ sth on/ upon sth使建立在…基础上;

例句:the tv play was based on real life.那出电视剧是根据现实生活写成的。

we must base ourselves on the interests of the people.我们一定要从人民的利益出发。

these criticisms are based on misunderstanding.这些评论完全是出于误解。

短语:base oneself on something根据、基于;base something on (upon)/ be based on (upon)以……为基础、作根据;at the base of在…基础上;at the base of the mountain在山脚下;base a guess on experience根据经验进行猜测;

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