
发布 2021-03-17 23:31:28 阅读 3747

1.知人知面不知心fair without, foul within.2.

血比水浓blood is thicker than water.3.自作自受harm set, harm get.

4.无债一身轻happy is he who owes nothing.5.

英雄所见略同great minds think is in lover's eyes. /beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.23.

言教不如身教a good example is the best sermon.24.良心不安a guilty conscience needs no accuser.

25.雨过天晴after rain comes fair weather.26.

坏事传千里bad news has wings.6.真人不露相。

deep rivers move in silence, shallow brooks are noisy.7.事出有因every why has its wherefore.

8.傻人多福fortune f**ors the fools.9.

有备无患good watch prevents misfortune.10.公事公办business is business.

11.和气生财cheek brings success.12.

人比人气死人comparisons are odious.13.知足常乐content is happiness.

14.否极泰来adversity leads to prosperity.

15.瑞雪兆丰年a he**y snow promises a good harvest.16.失之毫厘,差之千里a miss is as good as a mile.

17.不做亏心事,不怕雷声响a quiet conscience sleeps in thunder.18.

饥不择食beggars must be no choosers.19.树大招风a tall tree catches the wind.

20.万事开头难it is the first step that costs. /the first step is thehardest.


a good beginning is half the battle. /well begun is half done.22.情人眼里出西施。


better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.28.急病还得要猛药医。

desperate diseases must h**e desperate remedies.

29.酒后吐真言drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals.30.

习惯成自然custom is a second nature.31.祸不单行misfortunes never come alone32.

两恶取其轻of two evils choose the least.

33.半斤八两six of one and half of a dozen of the other.34.

打铁趁热strike while the iron is hot.35.隔墙有耳walls h**e ears.

36.说是一回事,做又是一回事saying and doing are two things.37.言多必失he that talks much errs much.

38.谋事在人,成事在天man proposes but god disposes.39.

天作之合marriages are made in he**en.40.欲速则不达more haste, less speed.

41.礼多人不怪all doors open to courtesy.42.

有其父必有其子like father, like son.43.有其母必有其女like mother, like daughter.

44.勤能补拙practice makes perfect.

45.预防胜于**prevention is better than cure.46.

无火不生烟there is no smoke without fire.47.岁月不待人time and tide wait for no man.

48.进退两难between a rock and a hard place.49.

金钱为万恶之根源money is the root of all evils.50.凡事小心为妙be on the safe side.

51.盲人领路the blind leading the blind.52.

规则有例外an exception to the rule.53.人多好办事many hands make light work.

54.机会不再opportunity only knocks once.55.

历史总是重演history tends to repeat itself.56.忠言逆耳advice most needed is least heeded.

57.大军出动,粮草先行an army marches on its stomach.58.

如无近虑,必有后忧better be safe than sorry.


beter to die with honor than live with shame.60.良药苦口bitter pills may h**e blessed effects.

61.人要衣装clothes make the man.62.

多作孽必自毙crime does not pay.63.人非圣贤every man has his faults.

64.愚公移山faith will move mountains.65.

事有先后first things first.

66.得寸进尺give him an inch and he'll want a yard.67.

内在美胜于外在美goodness is better than beauty.68.坐失良机he who hesitates is lost.

69.金钱非万能money isn't everything.70.没有不劳而获no pain, no gain.

71.见风转舵see which way the wind is blowing.72.

聊胜于无something is better than nothing.73.眼睛是灵魂之窗the eyes are window of the soul.

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1.知人知面不知心 fair without,foul within.2.血比水浓blood is thicker than water.3.自作自受harm set,harm get.4.无债一身轻happy is he who owes nothing.5.英雄所见略同great minds t...

思达特英语 成语的英文翻译

66 说曹操,曹操到talk of the devil and he comes。67 实话实说speak the plain truth call a spade a spade tell it as it is 68 实践是检验真理的唯一标准practice is the sole criter...


water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up.水能载舟,亦能覆舟。is the best teacher.观察是最好的老师。is the best defense.进攻是最好的防御。friends and old wines ar...