
发布 2021-04-15 17:31:28 阅读 3547

1.建筑 10%

architecture建筑, architectural style建筑风格, traditional传统的modern现代的, postmodern后现代的h**e aesthetic value有美学价值, energy-efficient 节能的function功能functional 功能型的,实用的historic site 历史遗迹cultural relics 文化遗迹national identity 民族特征skyscraper 摩天大楼courtyard dwellings 四合院well-structured 结构完好的representation n. 代表crystallization结晶/civilization 文明exterior appearance 外表interior 内部的eye sore 丑的东西demolish, pull down 拆除preserve保留, devastation破坏,

2.环保:environmental protection 10%

环境保护environmentally-friendly 环保的preserve v.保护,保存 conserve 污染:pollute= contaminate, pollutant pollution=contamination垃圾:

rubbish, garbage, trash, waste, litter处理: dispose of, burn, bury (landfill), dump,recycle plastic bags, drinking cansbiodegradable packaging可降解包装, throwaway 可丢弃的disposable 可丢弃的 ~ product discourage v. 不鼓励燃料non-renewable 不可再生的fossil fuels矿石燃料:

natural gas, coal, petroleumlimited/finite natural resources 有限的自然资源alternative energy替代能源replace=substitute v.取代(wind power, hydropower水电, solar (lunar) power太阳能, nuclear power核能 tidal power潮汐radioactivity n. 辐射性use up, deplete, exhaust v.

用光,耗尽conserve v. 节省,节约, consume less v. 少消耗。

危害动物: poaching非法打猎,盗猎, damage natural habitat破坏自然栖息地, rare breed稀有物种, endangered species濒危物种, extinct adj.灭绝 (die out, disappear), animal rights activist动物权益保护者 , natural reserve(giant panda大熊猫)自然保护区, protect wildlife保护野生动物, disastrous灾难性的, devastation破坏, h**e disastrous effect on…对。。。

有灾难性的影响危害植物: vegetation植被deforestation森林消失, landslide山体滑坡, 危害环境: carbon dioxide二氧化碳,

greenhouse gas emission

destroy ozone layer acid rain酸雨(erode腐蚀)greenhouse effect温室效应 (worsening, deteriorate, deterioration恶化)global warming全球变暖ecological system=ecosystem生态系统green belt绿化带, sand storm沙尘暴, (filter v. 过滤)arouse people’s awareness/consciousness of environmental protection提高公众的环保意识。

动物:vivisection 活体解剖perform/conduct experiments on animals 在动物身上做试验animal rights 动物权益cruel and barbaric 残忍和野蛮的inhumane 不仁道的alternative methods替代方式,其他方式torture 折磨right to live 生命权life-threatening diseases威胁生命的疾病medical technique医疗技术clinical research 临床研究vaccine 疫苗anatomy解剖。

3.教育学校: 20%

nursery托儿所kindergarten幼儿园primary school/elementary school小学, secondary school中学教育higher education高等教育。

tertiary level

further education进修教育: parenting, schooling,enroll 入学admit 招收,录取parents are obliged to do…父母有责任、义务去做。。。compulsory education 强制教育、义务教育。


compulsory military service

minors 未成年人。




immature 不成熟的。

学习的好处learn skills学习技能acquire knowledge学习知识,enrich knowledge丰富知识, widen horizon开阔视野, inspire interest激发兴趣, stimulate interest激发兴趣, cultivate v. 培养 hobbiesdevelop potentialsconduce to mental developmentlay a solid foundation for the future为将来打下坚实的基础。

学习上的问题: lack discipline缺少约束力/persistence毅力, test-oriented education应试型教育,teacher-centred education

student-centred education


quality education 素质教育cram for examinations突击考试, stuff 塞 materialsmemorise背, memorisation, rote learning死记硬背test-taking techniques应试技巧。

坏处:discourage critical thinking 打击评判性思维students stop questioning what they are being taught学生们不去质问他们学习的东西conduce to academic performance有助学习表现adversely influence 负面地影响(动作)exert adverse/unf**orable influence on对。。。产生负面影响emphasis on memorisation adversely influences one’s academic 创造性come at the expense/cost of creativity以牺牲创造力为代价lower/raise the standard of…降低了。。。


工作:full-time, part-time, casual job

white-collar, blue-collar, semi-skilled, self-employed, freelancer, 收入: income, earnings, wages, salary,revenue

职业好: enjoyable, pleasant, fascinating令人着迷的steady稳定的provide many opportunities for…提供各种。。。的机会, give me a sense of satisfaction/accomplishment给我一种满足感、成就感, apply what i h**e learnt to my job把我学的用在工作中, put my talent into full play充分发挥我的天分, improve my interpersonal and communicative skills提高我的人际交往和交流能力, improve my independence独立能力,well-fare福利benefit future development将来的发展, 不好:

demanding难做的, stressful有压力的, tiring累人的, exhausting令人筋疲力尽的,boring无聊的, routine work常规工作, repetitive重复性的, work overtime/extra hours加班workaholic工作狂, repetitive strain injuries职业病, adverse conditions恶劣的工作条件, personnel, human resources 人力资源。


medium-media: read news*****swatch tv programssurf the internetsee moviesup-to-date information最新的信息, access v. n.

接触the internet enables people to h**e easy access to various information. 记者:reporter, journalist, paparazzi 狗仔队(复数)tabloid 读者群readership观众audience报道:

news coverage/tv coverage

好处: provide us with rich information给我们提供丰富的信息, entertain us是我们得到娱乐, enable people to relax使人们得到放松, disseminate/spread knowledge传播知识, keep people well-informed使人信息灵通download, upload, write your blogs, share your feelings with friends

坏处: information overload/explosion, 信息**un******ed information corrupts children’s minds.未经审查信息腐蚀小孩的心灵。

violence n.暴力, ****ography n.色情, obscene色情的, violent暴力的, ****ographic色情的objectionable content不良信息cyber crime网络犯罪 (financial crime)

net cafe internet-addicted 上网成瘾的isolation 孤立, isolated 孤立的unsociable不善社交的。


雅思写作词汇。一 基础词汇。对于写作单项目标6分的考生,需要5000左右的词汇量。对于离这个目标尚有一定距离的,基础相对比较薄弱的考生,就一定在考前要集中突击背诵单词了。对于总体词汇量偏低的考生来说,直接背诵 写作分类词汇 是不可取的。因为这些词汇都是建立在一定的基础词汇量基础上的,没有这个基础,所...


science 尖端科学。invention 科学发明。a far reaching impact on 对 产生一种深远的影响。sword 双刃剑。changes 翻天覆地的改变。the way for the future development 为未来的发展铺平道路。a solid found...


雅思写作高频词汇分类汇总 类。类一 1.paparazzi 狗仔队。2.mass media 大众 3.entertainment 娱乐。4.journalism 新闻业。5.journal 期刊。6.the latest news 最新消息。7.exclusive news 独家新闻。8.news...