超实用 英文中那些高级的口语表达

发布 2021-04-25 21:15:28 阅读 8958



友情篇】1. i'll always h**e your back .我会一直支持你。

2. i know how you feel .我明白你的感受。

3. keep an eye on each other相互照应。

4. you h**e to stay strong .你要坚强。

5. he didn't wanna tell on her.他不想打她的小报告。 snitch


6. you're debasing yourself .你在贬低自己。

7. you want to bet on it ?你想打个赌?

8. keep her company陪陪她。

9. i'll pick you up tomorrow .我明天来接你。

10. it has been a long time .好久不见。


爱情篇】1. never,ever,ever .永远永远不。

2. i take this seriously .我很认真。

3. i'm with him .我和他在一起。

4. you can't take him from me .你不能把他从我身边带走。

5. she would never go out with me .她是不会和我交往的。

6. got a tongue bath from sb和谁谁舌吻。。额。

7. i let him slip through my fingers .我让他从我指间溜走。

8. move in together搬到一起。

9. he asked me to marry him .他向我求婚。

10. you and i can never , ever ,ever be together .


11. he is not picking up his phone .他不接**。

12. you're so caring . it's touching .你这么关心我,我好感动。

13. i'm getting married .我要结婚了。

14. you had an affair .你出轨了。

15. i will always love you .我会一直爱你。

16. i'll never le**e you .我再也不会离开你。

guys make a really cute couple .你俩真是天造地设的一对。


1. he is in great shape .他身材很好。

2. a man of good taste有品位的男人。

3. insanely good-looking极帅无比。


学校篇】1. straight-a student全优生。

2. no phones no texting不准用手机不准发短信。

3. postpone the match推迟比赛。

4. play big .好好表现。

5. return the f**or还人情 open old wound揭老伤疤。

生活篇】1. how is going ?怎么样?(打招呼时用)

2. let's reschedule .我们改时间。

3. can i get a little help ?能帮我个小忙么 ?大忙可以说 can you do

me a f**or?

4. this is kind of personal .这有点私人。

5. how you holding up?


6. we'll take the check .我们买单。

7. i'm stuck .我被困住了。

8. the door is jammed.门卡住打不开了。

9. i'm begging you .求求你了。

10. i'm looking for sb . 打**时)我找谁谁。

11. she is not answering her phone .=she's not picking up the phone.

12. unwrap the present拆礼物。

13. don't be mean .别那么刻薄。


友情篇 1.i ll always h e your back 我会一直支持你。i stand behind you 我支持你。i got your back 我挺你。2.i know how you feel 我明白你的感受。3.keep an eye on each other 相互照应。4.y...


发布日期 2014 09 19 英澜英语。友情篇 1.i ll always h e your back 我会一直支持你。i stand behind you 我支持你。i got your back 我挺你。2.i know how you feel 我明白你的感受。3.keep an eye o...


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