
发布 2021-05-17 01:04:28 阅读 6527

英语情景剧《three little pigs》教学设计。











教学过程。step 1: warm-up

1. greetings.

t: good morning, boys and good morning, ms zheng.

2. sing a song.

t: firstly, let’s sing a song “if you are happy”ss: ok.(师生同唱歌曲作为热身,活跃课堂气氛)

t: are you happy?ss: yes.

t: but someone is unhappy. who’s he?ss: hui tailang( a wolf).

t: who makes him unhappy? …

t: look, this is the 1st little pig. this is the… ss:

the 2nd little pig, the 3rd little pig.


step 2: presentation and drill

1. watch the video.

t: yes, let’s watch the video.(**动画,了解故事大致的情节,激发学生阅读的兴趣。)

boys and girls, are you familiar with this story?ss: yes.

t: let’s listen to the story.

2. listen to the audio. speak out the phrases on the screen.


t: excellent. let’s enjoy a chant.

3. learn the chant.

b任务:欣赏韵律诗“build a house”,猜测意思,让学生关注故事中三只小猪的三座房子时用不同材质建成,导致不同的结果。也为教师教授三种材质“稻草”、“木棍”、“砖头”作铺垫。

)t: can you chant?ss: yes.

t: h**e a try.(ss try to chant with the video)

t: good try. let’s chant and act.(chant and act with the video together.)

4. learn some important new words and sentences.

t: good job. guess the 用……建房子。

t: can you read? ss:

street, draw, straw. (use the same way to teach new words “stick” and “brick”)


t: let’s try to read build a house out of straw. build a house out of sticks.

build a house out of bricks. (学生掌握单词后马上套用到句子进行朗读,一是巩固新词学习新句,二是为进一步阅读理解降低难度。)

t: wonderful. it’s time for you to read.

英语情景剧《three little pigs》教学设计。









教学重难点: 用英语复述故事并表演。

教学准备: 多**课件、表演道具。

教学过程。step 1: practice

1. read the story and find out the new words.

2. do exercise.


)3. check the answer with group members.

t: well done. maybe you are eager for the answers.

d任务: 组员互助讨论答案,能激发学生主动学习的动力,加上教师下组指导,能有针对性地解决每个小组阅读中的问题,并关注学困生的实际困难。发挥组长的组织作用,合作完成对话设计,为学生的语言运用能力提供开放性的舞台;演员在舞台表演,其他同学充当旁白就能将故事描述性语言进行朗读,实际应用可以加深阅读文本的理解,寓教于乐。

)t: your performances are so amazing. let’s read the whole story.

4. read the whole story.

5. retell the story.


step 4: a new song

t: the story is so funny. i h**e a funny song for you.

“who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?”.


t: perfect. look at the screen.

different wolves h**e the similar endings. boys and girls, the 3rd little pig wasn’t afraid of the big bad wolf. the wolf is a big difficulty, do you afraid of the difficulties in life or study?

ss: no.

t: good. the 3rd little pig works hard.

as a student we h**e to study hard. follow me, study hard, study study hard, study hard.

t: homework can help you to study well.


homework on ppt )

step 2: homework

1. read the story and retell it to your families.

2. learn to write a short passage about the third little pig. (p89)

英语情景剧《pull the turnip》教学设计。

第一课时。一、 warm up :


a song: friends

a race between boys and girls


of war(拔河) 教授:one ,two ,three ,pull !和感叹句:hooray!

1)t: listen, some people are playing a game (老师点击课件,出现声音one ,two ,three ,pull !)教师做听音状态:

what can you hear? ss: one ,two ,three ,pull !

教师做拔河的动作,边做引导学生边说。 one ,two ,three ,pull !t:

oh, they are h**e a tug of war.(老师点击课件,出现拔河的**)拿起**教句子: one ,two ,three ,pull !


2)t:拿出绳子 i h**e a rope. let’s h**e a try,ok? ss:ok

t: a boy and a girl for each group. ready? go! one, two, three,pull!

2.“please help me.”“let me help you.”

1):t: let’s try again.

(t拿起绳子) who can help me? s1: let me help you!

t:come on , please help me. s2:

let me help you! t: come on, …please help me.

s3-5. t拿出卡片领读: please help me!

let me help you. 一问一答,教师换动卡片,叫对方组一人当组长,挑5人,开始拔,边拔边喊:one, two, three, pull.


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