
发布 2021-05-19 10:05:28 阅读 1465

模块三unit 1 the world of our senses


1. sign n. 迹象,征兆;招牌,指示牌,标志;符号 v. 签名,签字。

no sign of life 没有生命的迹象a road sign 道路标志。

a shop sign 商店招牌sign one’s name 签名 sign up for sth 报名参加。

2. confuse v. 使迷惑;混淆 confused adj. confusing adj. confusion n.

confuse a and/with b 混淆a confused state of mind 困惑的心理状态。

cause confusion 引起困惑。

3. employ v. 雇佣;使用 employment n.

employer and employee雇主和雇员the unemployed 失业人员。

employ sb. as… 雇佣某人为employ sb. to do

employ oneself in doing=be employed in doing 从事于,忙于。

4. hesitate v. 犹豫hesitation n. hesitant adj.

don’t hesitate to do without hesitation 毫不犹豫地 a hesitant reply 勉强的回答。

5. approach v. 靠近,接近 n. 靠近,接近;方法。

spring is approaching. 春天就要来临。 the approach of spring 春天的来临。

with the college entrance examination approaching 随着高考的临近。

adopt a different approach to 采取…的不同方法。

winter approached, the weather became colder.

winter approaching, the weather became colder.

6. attach v. 贴上,附上;重视attached adj. 依恋的;附属于。

attach sth to… 把…附在…上attach great importance to 非常重视。

be attached to 喜欢,依恋;附属于。

parentsmuch importance to education. they will do their best to give their children that priceless gifta. attach b.

pay c. link d. apply

7. contrary adj. 相反的,相对立的 n. 相反的事实或情况(the contrary)

contrary to popular belief 与普遍的看法相反 on the contrary 与此相反。

8. relief n. 宽慰,轻松;救济 relieve v. 减轻,缓和 relieved adj. 感到宽慰的。

much) to one’s relief 令某人宽慰的是breathe a sigh of relief 松了一口气。

a relief agency 救助机构relief fund 救济金。

relieve pain/stress 减轻痛苦/压力be relieved to see/hear/find…

9. observe vt. 注意到,观察;遵守;庆祝 observation n.

observe sb. do/doing 注意到observe stars

observe traffic rules遵守交通法规observe christmas庆祝圣诞节。

10. likely adj.可能的 adv. 很可能(多见于most/very likely)

sb be likely to doit is likely/possible/probable that… it is possible for sb to do sth

chances are thatthere is a possibility that…

11. glance v. n.

glance at 瞥一眼,扫视stare at 凝视,盯着看glare at 怒目而视。

they didn’t fight, but stood thereat one another.

heat the envelope and recognized his uncle’s handwriting.

he satinto space, thinking deeply.

12. narrow adj.狭窄的;勉强的,刚刚好的 v.变窄,缩小 narrowly adv.

narrow streetsa narrow victory 险胜。

a narrow escape 九死一生be beaten narrowly 以微弱差距败北。

narrow the gap between rich and poor 缩小贫富差距。

we narrowly missed hitting the other car.

13. anxious adj. 焦虑,忧虑;渴望 anxiety n.

be anxious about sthbe anxious for sb

be anxious to do 渴望做某事deep anxiety 深深的忧虑。

14. recognize v. 认出;认可;公认 recognition n.

recognize sb 认出某人be recognized as 被公认为。

seek international recognition 寻求国际认可 change beyond recognition 变得面目全非。

15. ignore vt. 忽视 ignorant adj. 无知的,愚昧的 ignorance n. 无知。

ignore one’s warning 忽视某人的警告an ignorant question 无知的提问。

out of ignorance 出于无知。

16. distance n. vdistant adj. 遥远的,远处的。

a distance of 200 kmkeep sb at a distance 与…保持一定距离。

in the distance 在远处 within walking distance 很近 a distant memory 久远的记忆。

17. attract v. 吸引 attractive adj. attraction n.

attract one’s attentionbe attracted to

an attractive womantourist attractions 旅游景点。

18. reach out

reach out (one’s hand) for sth 伸手去够 reach out to sb 表示愿意提供帮助。

within one’s reach 够得着out of/beyond one’s reach 够不着。

the upper/lower reaches of the nile 尼罗河上游/下游。

he reached into his pocket to look for some change. 他口袋寻找___

19. in sight

in sight 看得到,在视力范围之内out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不念。

at the sight of 看到at first sight 乍一看。

catch/lose sight of 看到/看不到see the sights 参观名胜。

20. make the most of

make the most of 充分利用make the best of 尽力而为。

make full/good use oftake advantage of 利用;欺骗,占…的便宜。

take advantage of every chance you get, and you are likely to succeed.

he took advantage of my generosity. 他利用我的慷慨占了便宜。

every possible useof the land to produce more food.

a. has been made b. had made c. had been made d. has made

重点句型:1. the truth is that it is too foggy for the bus to run that far.


sometimes it was a bit boring to work there because there wasn’t alwaysmuch to do.


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