
发布 2021-05-26 04:13:28 阅读 7594


雅思听力高频词汇, 雅思听力中有很多固定词组的出现频率是非常高的,也是习惯表达,这些英语中的常用固定搭配如果没有复习过的话,临时听到有时候其实是比较难于理解的,下面小马雅思就总结了雅思听力高频词组的汇总,希望帮助同学们高效地备考这部分内容。


change of pace 节奏变换。

you can't do these chemistryexperiments all day certainly need a change of pace.

far cry from 相距甚远。

the published book is far cry from the early manuscript.

how 的确。

a:she's a good dancer.

b:and how.

matter of time 时间问题。

it is only a matter of time.

phone call away 一个**之远、愿意过来帮忙。

if you need my help, do let me remember i am a phone call away.

while back 不久以前。

along 一直。

i knew it all along.

but 绝对不。

i was anything but happy about going.

for 解释。

how do you account for it?

all 到底。

a:i've just seen the x-rays and your teeth look just fine.

b:i there is nothing to worry about after all.

to 对…过敏。

oh man! something in this room is ****** my eyes must be allergicto something.

sb's service 愿为某人服务。

i am at your service at any time.

the clock 24小时不停。

martha studied around the clock for management exam.

far as i know 就我所知。

home with 对…很熟悉。

she is at home with problems like this.

out1) 退出。

a:wasn't bert supposed to sing tonight?

b:yes, but he backed out at last minute


she finally backed out of her promise.



生活方位。left right behind beside short cut cut across get across gothrough go along in the corner of on the corner of around thecorner parallel to direct...


雅思高频词汇学些给诸多考生带来了帮助,启德教育为了方便广大考生更好的复习,整理了雅思听力高频词汇,以供各位考生考试复习参考,希望对考生复习有所帮助。1.a change of pace 节奏变换。you can t do these chemistryexperiments all day long...


雅思口语考试中最怕的就是话到嘴边却不知道如何用英语表达出来,因此需要牢记口语常用的词汇,新通教育为大家带来雅思口语高频词汇,希望大家能熟练掌握哦!people description personality and appearance personality 个性,人格,人物,名人。warm he...