5 1假期作业完成句子专项训练

发布 2022-06-30 23:54:28 阅读 7359

1你似乎发烧了,为什么不量量你的体温?you seem to h**e a fever! why nottake)

2.我总是帮助老师分发试卷。i always help the teacherthe *****s. (give)

3令我们吃惊的是他已通过了驾照考试he’s passed driving test. (surprise)

4.他们正在为期末考试做准备。theyfor the final exam. (prepare)

5.这些树太小了,你不能砍倒它们。the trees are too young, you can’tcut)

6.我们学校有35位女教师。there are thirty-fivein our school. (woman)

7近来拥有轿车的家庭数量增长很快families that own cars has been growing quickly recently. (number)

8.妈妈又给我买了一部新手机,并叮嘱我要更细心些。mum bought me a new phone again and asked me tocareful)

9作为一个登山者,aron习惯了冒险。as a mountain climber, aron is used totake)

10他临死前献出了他的全部书籍。hehis books before death. (give)

11.如果我们的钱用完了,我们可以卖掉一些旧家具。if wemoney , we can sell some of the furniture. (run)

12由于战争,他们的水源被切断了。their water supplybecause of the war.(cut)

13你无法永远掌控每件事。 you can’t alwayseverything. (control)

14.自从爸爸病了以后他就戒烟了。 father hassmoking since he became ill. (give )

15不要担心,我会让她振作起来的。don’t worry! i cancheer )

16学会与人交朋友你就不会感到孤单。 learn to make friends with others , you won’tfeel)

17.这些队伍要参加奥林匹克运动会的选拔赛。these teams are going tothe olympic games. (try)

18.当我主动帮助她时,她礼貌地拒绝了。when i offered to help her, shemy help politely. (turn)

19.你长得真像你母亲。you reallyyour mother. (take)

20.学校专门设立一个班来帮助阅读能力差的学生。 the school has __a special class to help poor readers.(set)

这本书与电脑有关。the bookcomputers. (h**e )

21我们才仅仅完成工作的一部分。 we are still onlythe job. (halfway)

22.你愿意和我们在周一晚上闲逛吗?can youwith us on monday night? (hang)

23过去的几年中国发生了巨大的变化。great changesin china in the past few years. (take)

24我们做任何决定之前必须认真思考。we mustbefore we make any decision. (think)

25如今多亏了互联网,我们在家里就能买到我们想要买的东西todaythe internet, we can do all our shopping from home. (thank)

26医生叫我躺下休息两天。 the doctor asked meand rest for two days. (lie)

27 约翰和汤姆都不知道怎样处理这个问题。neitherjohnnortomknowshowtheproblem.(deal)

28. 春天是植树的季节。 it’s timetrees in spring.(plant)

29.使我们惊讶的是,他什么也没说就走了。 to my surprise, he left withoutsay)

30.人类和动物应该和睦相处。 humans shouldanimals. (get)

31.由于大雨,他们停止了打篮球。 because of the he**y rain,theybasketball. (stop)

32. 她的父母正在自学英语。 her parents areenglish.(teach)

33.他不敢在课堂上回答问题,因为他害怕出错( make )he dare not answer questions in class, because he is afraid of

34.他告诉记者他购买废旧自行车钱用完了(use ) he told the interviewer that he hadmoney to buy old bikes .

35.这位女士把她所有的钱都捐给了慈善机构去帮助穷人。(give ) womenall of her money to charities to help the poor .

sisterher bike yesterday.(从……摔下)

37it仔细考虑) before you make an important decision.

jeff heard his elder brother lost his life in an accident, his eyes充满;装满) tears.

aboutjane a给……一个惊喜)

40我最好的朋友总是帮助我展现最优秀的品质。(bring) my best friend always helps methe best in me.


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