
发布 2022-08-26 02:10:28 阅读 5416

一。单选 (总分 20.0分,得分 4.0分)

1. "i usually go there by train," why not___by boat for a change?" 正确答案:

d 402849a92a7f44bc012a88420f330d92


为什么不改为乘船去呢”,选择d符合题意。why not接不带to的动词不定式,用来提出建议。如;why not go there with him?


a . to try go

b . trying to go

c . to try and go

d . try going

2. he wanted to go, but he正确答案:a 402849a92a7f44bc012a8842d39e0da1

注释:该题选a。根据题目he wanted to go, but he___他想走但他不能走, 选择a符合题意。

并列句中,如第二个分句重复前面的不定式,可只留下不定式符号to。又如: i'd like to come but i don't know whether i shall be able to.

我倒想来,但不知能不能来。( 省去前已出现的 come)

a . wasn't able to

b . wasn't able to go

c . wasn't able

d . couldn't able to

3. it is not always easy __invitations. 正确答案:a 402849a92a7f44bc012a881c5a020c3c


该题选it为形式主语,真正主语为不定式短语。又如:it isn't right to gossip about others.

(=to gossip about others isn't right.) 说闲话是不对的。

a . to refuse

b . refusing

c . to be refused

d . being refused

4. tell tom and jack __each other. 正确答案:b 402849a92a7f44bc012a884dfd920dfd


不定式否定式not to quarrel with用作宾语补足语。不定式作宾语补足语的例子还有:the committee proved the decision to be wise.

委员会证实了这个决定是明智的。 even a slight push would cause the stone to roll down the hill. 即使轻轻一推也会使这块石头滚下山去。

a . not quarrel

b . not to quarrel with

c . to not quarrel with

d . they not quarrel

5. it is no good __you should give正确答案:b 402849a92a7f44bc012a881d495f0c51


在it is + 表语 + 动名词(做主语)的句型中,常用no good,no use,dangerous等做表语。it's no good waiting here. let's walk home.


a . to smoke, it up

b . smoking, it up

c . smoking, up it

d . to smoke, up it

6. i held the little bird in my hand and felt its heart正确答案:b 402849a92a7f44bc012a9d67747e24ed

注释:根据题目i held the little bird in my hand and felt its heart___我把这只小鸟握在手里感觉到它心脏在跳动,选择b符合题意。feel接现在分词作宾语补足语,表示动作已在进行。

在供选择的几个词中,只有beat表示心脏“跳动”。 i felt my health improving. 我感到自己的健康状况正在好转。

a . jumping

b . beating

c . bumping

d . knocking

7. henry always forgets things he has done. yesterday he forgot___andlooked for it everywhere.

正确答案:d 402849a92a7f44bc012a882ea6b10c9e


动词forget后面跟动名词或不定式做宾语时,有两种不同的含义:后接动名词指先于谓语动词的动作,表示忘记所做的事情;后接动词不定式指后于谓语动词的动作,表示忘记去做某事。典型例题-- the light in the office is still on.

-oh,i forgota. turning it off b. turn it off c.

to turn it off d. h**ing turned it off 答案:c。

由the light is still on 可知灯亮着,即关灯的动作没有发生,因此用 forget to do sth. 而forget doing sth表示灯已经关上了,而自己忘记了这一事实。此处不符合题意。

a . to post the letter

b . to h**e the letter posted

c . to h**e posted the letter

d . h**ing posted the letter

8. he hasn't got usedin the countryside yet. 正确答案:c 402849a92a7f44bc012a88309d7f0cc5


get used to接动名词表示经常做某事,已习以为常了。例如: you’ll soon get used to living in the country.

你很快就会习惯于乡村生活。 it will take him some time to get used to the weather here. 要花一段时间他才能适应这里的气候。

a . live

b . to live

c . to living

d . living

9. the man managed to make himself __with hisfrench. 正确答案:

d 402849a92a7f44bc012a886813900ed9


make oneself understood使自己的话被别人理解, broken不流利的,蹩脚的。

a . understood, breaking

b . understand, broken

c . understand, breaking

d . understood, broken

10. "shall we go skating or stay at home?"-which __do yourself?

" 正确答案:b 402849a92a7f44bc012a886949860ef1


那你自己希望做什么”,选择b符合题意。would rather(宁愿)后面跟不带to的动词不定式,缩写为'd rather。i would rathe not tell you about it.

我不愿意告诉你此事。we would rather not meet him. 我们宁愿不和他见面。

i would rather stay at home than go to the park today. 我今天宁愿待在家而不去公园。

a . do you rather

b . would you rather

c . will you rather

d . should you rather

11. my car has broken down. would you help me正确答案:c 402849a92a7f44bc012a884d67690df1

注释:该题选c。根据题目would you help me___你愿意帮我重新发动汽车吗,选择c符合题意。

另外三个选项都错在动词get的宾语补足语上。又如: we ought to get the furnace repaired.


a . to get the car to start

b . get the car start

c . to get the car started

d . get to start the car

12. did you notice the little boy __away? 正确答案:b 402849a92a7f44bc012a884abb970dbb


动词notice跟不定式作宾语补足语,不定式要去掉to。 nobody noticed him enter the classroom. 没有人注意到他进了教室。


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