
发布 2022-11-26 12:46:28 阅读 2947

1. look, change and write.(通过加一笔或减一笔写出新的字母)★

2. fill in the blank.(把单词的编号填入与其意思相同的**下面的括号内)★

⑴ girl ⑵canada ⑶apple ⑷america ⑸teacher

elephant ⑺ china ⑻student ⑼ ice-cream ⑽ lion

3. calculate and draw a line.(计算后连线)★★

eleven + sevena. eleven

thirteen - threeb. fourteen

seventeen - sixc. eighteen

nineteen - fived. eight

twenty - twelvee. ten

4. look and tick or cross.(打√或画×)★

-- do you like oranges? -where is my walkman? -where are you from?

-- no, i don’tit’s on the chairi’m from america.

-- come on, sarah. let’s watch tvhow many apples are there?

-- greatthere are fifteen.

5. read and circle.(读一读,圈出书包里会有什么)★

balls books cars bears pens

pencils pears rulers oranges taxis

6. read and draw.(读一读画图)★★

this is my bedroom(卧室). there is a desk a bed and a chair in it. i h**e many books.

they are on the desk. i h**e a lovely(可爱的) dool. it’s on the chair.

there is a bus under the bed. where’s my kite? oh, it’s under the desk.


1.你的同学买了一盒新的彩笔,你想问问有多少只应该怎么说( )

a. how many crayons can you see ? b. how many crayons do you h**e ?


teachers’day ! b. happy women’s day !

3.你到快餐店里去吃饭,你想把没吃完的打包,应该怎么跟服务员说( )

a. i like hotdogs . b. a doggy bag , please .

4.你和妈妈一起来到水果超市,你们想买写草莓和香蕉,应该怎么表达( )

a. i like them very much . b. let’s h**e some banans and strawberries .

5.你的朋友到你家做客,你想请他们吃些水果,应该怎么表达( )

a. h**e some moreb. h**e some fruits .


) thank you , mr black .

( )do you like peaches , sarah ?

( )h**e some fruits .

( )can i h**e some pears , please ?

( )sorry , i don’t like peaches .

( )certainly !

( )h**e some more ?

( )no , thank you .


1. a. twelve b. great c. eleven

2. a. apple b. grape c. some

3. a. mother b. man c. mom

4. a. watch out b. good morning c. good afternoon

5. a. m b. s c. k

6. a. duck b. dog c. elephant


1. twenty ÷one

2. fifteen +three=(

3. eleven+six=(

4. four×four=(

5. seven +seven=(

6. twenty -one=(


班级 姓名 一 看图,选单词,将单词序号填入括号内。10分 长的高的。1 pear 2 twelve 3 watermelon 4 on 5 twenty 6 long 7 dad 8 the uk 9 under 10 tall 二 选出不同类的单词,把序号填入题前括号内。5分 1 a.fifte...

小学PEP英语教材三年级下册 英语竞赛试题

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