
发布 2019-12-28 22:56:28 阅读 4649


1. 概括总结,得出结论 : 通过前面对文章涉及到的问题的讨论分析,在结尾处概括总结,得出结论,引出文章所要表达的中心思想。和论点。常用句型有:

a. from what he has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that --

b. taking into accounts all these factors, we may reasonably reach the conclusion that---

c. judging from all evidence offered, we may come to conclusion that --

d. in summery\ conclusion, it is more important/ valuable---

2.**后果: 用于说明文章所讨论的问题是否被重视,是否得到解决,或是否采取行动,将会产生什么样的结果。


a. obviously, if we can not change \ control \ improve the situation, there is every chance that --will be put in danger.

b. no doubt, if we ignore the problem , it is very likely that --

3.发出号召: 用于呼吁读者,引起注意或敦促人们采取某种行动,对某一问题加以重视和解决。常用句型:

a. it is time that we put an immediate end to the undesirable situation of --

b. it is necessary that effective measures should be taken to end the situation.

c. there is no denying that further attention must be paid to the problem of --

d. there is no doubt that special attention must be devoted to the development of --

4.提出建议: 这种形式用于结尾处,对文章所讨论的问题提出建议性的意见,其中包括建议和具体解决问题的方法。


a. it is suggested that great efforts should be made to achieve that goal---

b. there is no immediate answer to the problem of --but---might be helpful.

5. 引用名言:引用名言或富有哲理的话来结束全文,这样结尾富有说服力。如:

a long time ago, a great man said that --

bacon is correct in remarking that “ knowledge is power”.

6. 提出问题: 在文章结尾用提问型句型设问,往往能令人回味发人深思。如:

in spite of what we hear to the contrary, teachers should deserve the money they earn. if we consider the cost and time of years of schooling they must deal with, and the long hours spent on ***** work, is it not appropriate they be paid well for their time, knowledge and skill?

常用句型:a. if we consider---is it---

b. if --why can not we question that --

c. can anyone really doubt that --

d. can’t we be surprised that --e.


优美的乐章要有好的尾声,或余音袅袅,或震人心魄。议 的结尾能起到归纳全文 照应全篇 深化主旨的作用,并可以综合运用议论抒情等手段,使文章意味深长,发人深省,回味无穷,又称豹尾。这样的结尾,通常有以下几种 名言归纳式例如一位考生以 忙宜有度 为题,表达出 忙也应 内紧外松 切勿忙得疲于奔命,才能使合理...


下笔千言,终要收尾。稿子写到结尾,也就到了作者与读者握手言别的最后时刻了。人们告别的方式有多少种,结尾的方式就有多少种。一些新闻作品,之所以让人读后掩卷长思 唏嘘不已,很多得益于作品有一个好的结尾。作为作者,要尽可能通过结尾的 神来之笔 给读者留下一个深刻的印象和美好的回忆。结尾并非。可有可无一般来...

中学生作文辅导 作文结尾的形式与技巧

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