2023年广州天河区六年级英语期末试卷 答案

发布 2020-08-23 10:50:28 阅读 3076




第一部分:口试 (另测)

第二部分:听力 (共30分)

一、 信息获取。听句子三次,选出句子中所含的所有的信息,并将其字母编号写在括号内。(7分)

)1. a. fortyb. fiftyc. sixty

)2. a. grandmab. grandpac. grandparent

)3. a. noisyb. widec. crowded

)4. a. last weekb. last monthc. last year

)5. a. any moreb. much morec. too much

)6. a. go shoppingb. went swimmingc. went shopping

)7. a. christmasb. easterc. mid-autumn festival

二、 问答匹配。听问句三次,选出正确答语,把其字母编号写在括号内。(8分)

)1. a. yes, they were. b. yes, they yes, we are.

)2. a. in the gym. b. three days they played tennis.

)3. a. yes, i amb. yes, i do. c. yes, i’d love to.

)4. a. yes, there are. b. no, there isn’t c. yes, it is.

)5. a. for two daysb. at about 10:30. c. two years later.

)6. a. yes, she did. b. in beijing. c. by plane.

)7. a. dumplingsb. mooncakesc. zongzi.

)8. a. yes, he did. b. he watched tv. c. she ate at home.

三、 补全句子,听句子三次,写出句子中所缺的单词。(5分)

1、 my aunt lived in england

2、 he is aandboy.

3、 there areone thousand students in guangzhou library.

4、 the doctor told him tohis teetha day.

5、 the lady waswhen shethe pretty girl in the street again.

四、 对话理解。听对话三次,根据对话内容选择正确答案,把其字母编号写在括号内。(5分)

)1. a. easterb. thanksgiving dayc. halloween.

)2. a. he has a coldb. he has a headache. c. he has a toothache.

)3. a. on footb. by undergroundc. by bike.

)4. a. at 7:45b. at 8:15c. at 8:45.

)5. a. he read some books at school.

b. he bought some books in guangzhou book centre.

c. he read some books in guangzhou book centre.

五、 短文理解。听短文三次,判断句子是否符合短文内容,如符合,在括号内写“t”否则写 “f”。(5分)

)1. today is new year’s day.

)2. the children didn’t go to school yesterday.

)3. jiamin surfed the internet at home all day.

)4. lucy visited her friend in the countryside.

)5. the children were happy on new year’s day!

第三部分: 读写结合 (共70分)

六、 词汇归类。将下列单词分类,并把其英文字母编号写在相应的**内。(10分)

chipsc. lovelyd. sheep

e. interestingf. christmas g. supermarketh. horse

i. deerj. bankk. cinemal. dragon boat festival

m. eastern. goato. busyp. dumpling

q. excitedr. candys. festival


1. i often hmy mum fthe rabbit.

2. we don’tlike to drive to work, because the traffic is hand s

3. i h**e a smaybe i atoo much ice cream last night.

4. father christmas ba gto me last year.

5. jack lived in a small vbefore. the awas fresh there.

6. the ris dwe can’t swim before. (河流很脏)

7. the man fell from the bike and he had a bf手指断了)

8. our school is fafrom baiyun mountain. (远离)

9. the western food is quite dtthe chinese food. (不同于…)

10. my dad fawhen he saw my terrible homework. (感到生气)


) animals can five us milk and meat?

a. ducks b. cows c. fish

) happy woman looks young, because she

a. smile a lotb. smiles a lotc. eats too much

) are manyon the farm.

a. gooseb. goosesc. geese

)4has two children, and both ofare boys.

a. he, themb. he, theyc. he’s, them

) keep a good diet, you should eatfruits and vegetables.

a. less b. morec. little

) prefer the country lifethe foods are fresh there.

a. orb. soc. because

) farmers are growing rice

a. in the fieldb. in the officec. at the restaurant

) had a cold because hewet clothes yesterday.


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