
发布 2021-05-21 01:15:28 阅读 1656

( )people like to eatin spring festival.

) in america use knives andwhen they eat.

)3will host the 2012 olympic games.

) color is the national flag of canada? it’s red and

) china, 2011 is the year of


) good morning

jack: oh, i h**e a bad headche.

a. what’s the matter with you? this?

) excuse me, miss li

miss li: it’s on december 25th.

is thanksgiving day? b. when is christmas?

) assistant: good afternoon

mike: yes, i’d like to buy a pair of shoes.

a. did you go shopping yesterday? i help you?

) excuse me, sir! can you tell me the way to baotu spring?

policeman: yes, of course

a. you can take no.66 bus to get there. very beautiful.

) what’s your hobby, mary?

marya. i am going to swim. b. i like swimming.


the bill

one night, mrs. green is cooking dinner, her little son jack gives her a piece of ***** which reads:

for washing the car,$5; for ****** my own bed this week, $1; playing with little sister, $1; taking out the rubbish, $1; total, $8.

mrs. green looks at the bill, and then she turns the ***** over and writes:

for 9 months i carried you, growing inside me, no charge(不收费);for the nights i sat up with you, no charge; for the toys, food and clothes and wiping your nose, no charge; total, no charge.

jack reads the bill and has great big tears in his eyes. he says, “mummy, i love you.” then he writes on the bill in great letters, “all paid.


a bottle takes a trip

ahh! you just drank some water. now you put the plastic bottle(塑料瓶) in a blue bin for recycling(**).

what will happen to that bottle?

a truck will come to pick your bottle up. it will go with many bottles to a recycling center. then people sort(分类) the cans, bottles, and *****.

your bottle will go to a factory. there the bottles are cut into small pieces. next, people melt(熔化) the pieces until they are soft.

at last, the soft plastic is used to make many new things.

look at this girl. all her things are from recycled plastic. one of them may come from your bottle!






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