
发布 2023-07-03 23:11:28 阅读 4862


一、 默写字母:按照所给例子在四线格上按顺序默写26个字母的大小写,请按规范书写。(25分)

二、 在四线三格上默写五个元音字母的大小写。(5分)

三、 按照汉语、音标或其他提示默写单词。(20分)





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四、 按照汉语提示默写短语。(10分,每个2分)

1. 去骑自行车(用原形2. 去钓鱼(用过去式。

3. 感冒4.步行。


五、 单项选择,请把答案写在题号前的括号里。(30分,每个2分)

) is __than amy.

a. old b. short c. taller d. he**y

) is___amy or anna?

a. youngerb. tallc. oldestd .short

) bed is smaller than___

a. meb. myc. id. mine

)4.__of the two boys are 12 years old.

a. bothb. allc. everyd. each

) my birthday.

a. isb .arec. will bed. was

) played football___last night.

a. onb. 不填。

) he __tv the day before yesterday?

a. watchedb. watchc. watchesd. watching

) your father do last weekend?

a. dob. didc. doesd. was

) black often goes swimming __

a. yesterday b. tomorrow c. on tuesdays d. last week

) you for __me a lot.

a. helpb. helpedc. help

)11.__she __her grandparents last night?

a. did ,sawb. did ,seec. do, seed. does, see

) li didn’t __his clothes yesterday.

a. washingb. washc. washedd .washes

)13.__did you go last night?

a. howb. whatc. whod. where

) were many __in the park .

a .treeb. flowerc. childrend . boy

) grandpa is old, _he looks young.

butc. andd. because

六、 阅读理解。(10分)

last national day, we had a seven-day holiday. so i went to hainan with my parents. my grandparents live in a beautiful village, not far from the sea in hainan.

we visited them. we went to see the blue sea every day. we swam in it.

we went fishing by the sea, too. my grandma cooked fresh food for us every day. the seafood was delicious and i liked it.

we took many pictures. i was excited.

)1. national day is in___

a. juneb. septemberc.

) went to hainan with___

a. my grandparents parents c. my friends father

) in the sea.

a. went skating b. went boating swimming d. went fishing

) parents’__live in hainan.

a. fatherb. motherc. parentsd. grandparents

) beautiful village is __the sea.

a. nearb. far under


开远十一中2012年秋季学期七年级英语。备课组工作总结。2013年1月15日。本学期七年级英语备课组严格按照学校教科室的要求和教研组的工作计划开展工作,现将工作情况总结如下 一 积极组织本组教师参加新教材培训。本学年开始使用由人民教育出版社和美国圣智学习集团合编新的初中英语教材 go for it!...


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