
发布 2021-03-01 03:55:28 阅读 6553

he had known this would happen他当初也许会以不同方式行事).

mother is proud of her child and父亲也一样).

3他刚到家)when it started raining.

minute ago the old lady撕开信封)with great excitement.

5. my washing machine broke down this morning我打算明天把它送去修理).

report said that the sample water had too much lead in it可能对我们的健康有害).

答案解析:1.答案:he would h**e acted differently或he would h**e acted in a different way


由于前半句出现了had加动词的过去分词,后半句应使用would加h**e done的结构。

2.答案:so is every father

解析:本句主要考点为语法,考查倒装结构。当so表示“同样”或“也……”之意时,其后的句子需要倒装。翻译本句时还要注意every father作主语时谓语应为单数形式。

3.答案:hardly had he arrived home或he had hardly arrived home


”由于后半句由when代起,前半句应出现hardly,构成固定搭配 hardly...when...且根据此固定搭配的使用要求,前半句的时态应为过去完成时。


4.答案:tore the envelope open



5.答案:i’ll h**e it fixed tomorrow或i’m going to h**e it fixed tomorrow


done与do sth.的区别在于前者意为“让别人做某事”。本题需要表达让别人修理洗衣机,故应为h**e it repaired。

6.答案:which might damage our health



1. it was essential that我们在月底前签订合同).

2家庭人口多好还是人口少好)is a very popular topic,which is often talked about not only by city residents but by farmers as well.

3. we must用一切可能的办法来帮助他们).

4. we尽情地吃了一顿)at the new restaurant last friday.

5. to most of the tr**elers衣、食、住、行)are all important elements.

1. we sign the contract by the end of the month

解析:当表示愿望,要求,命令等含义的形容词如 advisable,appropriate,better,best,desirable,essential,fitting, imperative,important,impossible,incredible,insistent,natural,necessary, obligatory,preferable,proper,ridiculous,strange,surprising,urgent,vital 出现在形式主语句中时,从句要用虚拟语气。"签订合同"英语固定说法是sign the contract。

"在月底前"要用by the end of,而不是at the end of。

2. whether a large family is good or not

解析:如果按照中文顺序逐一翻译就会得出译文whether a large family is good thing or a small family is a good thing,这并没有语法错误,但不符合英语表达习惯。"家庭人口多好还是少好"可以理解为:

家庭人口多是好事?还是坏事?所以这里我们可以采用反译法,将"还是人口少好"转移为汉语意思为"(人口多是好)还是不好"的英文表达--or not,使译文简洁明了,避免罗嗦。

3. help them in every way possible

解析:本题最有可能出现的译文是:use very possible way to help them。

这样译文不能说错,但不是最间接、最好的翻译。英语里,通常把方式状语放在谓语部分之后,所以可得出译文:help them in every possible way。

原句"可能"出现在被修饰语"办法"之前。根据英文习惯,"可能"的对应词possible应该放在所修饰的中心词way之后,所以有了最终译文:help them in every way possible。

4. ate to our hearts' content



"尽情地"是个固定搭配,可译成:to one's heart's content或to the top of one's bent。

5. food,clothing,shelter,and transportation


如:日日夜夜(day and night);但也有一些需要改变前后顺序,如:新旧(old and new);水火(fire and water);田径(track and field);钢铁(iron and steel);贫富(rich and poor);血肉(flesh and blood)。


an opportunity comes伴之而来的是成功的希望)but never realizes it on its own.

2. if you want to取得成就或实现雄心壮志),you must work hard,make efforts and get prepared.

3. the successful person总是作好充分准备)to meet opportunities as they duly arrive.

人类学家)h**e discovered that fear,happiness,sadness,and surprise都会行之于色),which is a universal phenomenon.(这。有点难。

)before children are able to speak or understand a language,they can communicate with adults通过面部表情和靠发出噪声).

1. it brings a promise

解析:这是一句非常富有哲理的话,意思是"当机遇来临的时候,伴之而来的是成功的希望,然而希望不会自己实现"。句子需填入部分"伴之而来的是成功的希望" 看似表达非常复杂,其实意思很简单,即:

机遇会带来希望,那么对这个句子的翻译就简单了,为避免重复,"机遇"可以用it代替。"成功的希望"用名词 promise,如:a young man full of promise(大有前途的年轻人)。


2. achieve something or fulfill your ambitions


make achievements或achieve something,前者"成就"作名词,后者作动词。"实现雄心壮志"中"实现"可选用realize,fulfill,此外make...come true,carry...


3. always makes adequate preparations


for;make preparations for...充分的"可选形容词有:enough,sufficient,adequate,而well-prepared多在句中充当表语成分,如:

his counsel was well-prepared.(他的律师作了充分准备。)全句的后半部分meet opportunities也可以作为考点,它表示"抓住机遇",并不是"看见机遇"。

meet还有"达到要求、满足愿望或意见一致"等意。如:the firm has done its best to meet us on that point.



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