
发布 2021-04-17 10:44:28 阅读 9853

活动名称:英语活动——my helper





活动目标:1. 使幼儿能够正确掌握文具类单词的正确发音。并能灵活造句。

2. 激发幼儿独立完成问题的能力。

3. 培养幼儿勇于面对失败,不怕挫折。

活动准备:1. 文具类**,例如(pencil铅笔, 书book , eraser橡皮, ruler尺子)

2. 指挥棒,坏蛋、警察、好人的**,磁力豆,奖励用卡片。

活动过程:1. 热身 :

teacher:hello everybody

child: hello teacher

teacher:let’s do something before our class, ok ?

child: yeah.

teacher: now , show me your hands , please .then , pound your fists .

put your fists behind your back . 1.2.

3 scissor, ***** stone。

2.引入:teacher:ok stop here 。 now , please answer my questions。

what do you h**e in your schoolbag ?

child : 铅笔, 橡皮 , 本子。

teacher : good job , we h**e so many things in our schoolbag, but do you know how to say that in english ?

child : no ….

teacher : well , today we will learn these words , ok?

child: yes .

show the pictures one by one ,teach


let’s make an exercise , ok? if you read the word in one of them . i will draw a part of the flower under the picture .


4.游戏:(1) 抓坏人:

teacher: now ,would you like play a game ?

child : yes .

teacher: there are tow bad guys behind tow of these pictures , let’s try to catch them . if you catch , your team will get a star , which team get stars more , they are the winner .

let’s begin .


(2 ) 火场救人。

teacher :do you know about fireman?

child : yes

teacher : they s**e people in fire , now let’s be the fireman to s**e people , all right ? the rule is , you make a sentence by the word what i point ,the sentence is “i h**e a 。。

in my school” which kid try to say it first , which get a star , don’t be afraid ,let’s s**e people . winner will get some presents , good luck。

5.总结。teacher : kids , what we h**e learned today ? who can tell us ?

教师指读幼儿集体回答 。

6.结束。teacher: today , our class is over , goodbye everybody.

child : goodbye teacher .


高陵四中大学区英语观摩研讨活动小结。为充分发挥大学区管理与交流职能,加强学区内校际之间的联系,实现教育资源共享,2014年4月2日,来自耿镇中学 榆楚中学 姬家二中的英语教师在高陵四中 大学区学区长学校 参与了英语组的观摩研讨活动。英语观摩课由四中英语教师张艳执教,课题是 why do you li...




大大一班公开课活动方案。2014年12月30日策划老师 杨瑶 一 活动目的。根据我们班幼儿自身在组织活动中存在的薄弱问题,本月对本班孩子进行公开课观摩活动,目的是通过活动观摩,加强教师与家长之间的交流和学习,取长补短,共同进步。发挥观摩活动示范引领作用,促进孩子快乐学习健康成长。二 活动形式。本次公...