机械原理大作业22题 2 凸轮

发布 2023-05-21 03:17:28 阅读 1064



二. 凸轮推杆运动规律。







1.位移:private sub command1_click()

= true '开启计时器。

end sub

private sub timer1_timer()

static i as single

dim s as single, q as single 'i作为静态变量,控制流程;s代表位移;q代表角度。

i = i + 0.1

if i <=45 then

q = is = 240 * q / 90) ^2

step(q, -s), vbred

elseif i >=45 and i <=90 then

q = is = 120 - 240 * 90 - q) ^2) /90 ^ 2)

step(q, -s), vbgreen

elseif i >=90 and i <=150 then

q = is = 120

step(q, -s), vbblack

elseif i >=150 and i <=190 then

q = is = 120 - 240 * q - 150) ^2 / 6400

step(q, -s), vbblue

elseif i >=190 and i <=230 then

q = is = 240 * 230 - q) ^2 / 6400

step(q, -s), vbred

elseif i >=230 and i <=360 then

q = is = 0

step(q, -s), vbblack

elseend if

end sub

2.速度。private sub command2_click()

= true '开启计时器。

end sub

private sub timer2_timer()

static i as single

dim v as single, q as single, w as single 'i为静态变量,控制流程;q代表角度;w代表角速度,此处被赋予50

w = 50

i = i + 0.1

if i <=45 then

q = iv = 480 * w * q / 8100

step(q, -v), vbred

elseif i >=45 and i <=90 then

q = iv = 480 * w * 90 - q) /8100

step(q, -v), vbblack

elseif i >=90 and i <=150 then

q = iv = 0

step(q, -v), vbgreen

elseif i >=150 and i <=190 then

q = iv = 480 * w * q - 150) /6400

step(q, -v), vbblue

elseif i >=190 and i <=230 then

q = iv = 480 * w * 230 - q) /6400

step(q, -v), vbred

elseif i >=230 and i <=360 then

q = iv = 0

step(q, -v), vbblack

elseend if

end sub


private sub command3_click()

= true '开启计时器。

end sub

private sub timer3_timer()

static i as single

dim a as single, w as single, q as single 'i为静态变量,控制流程;a代表加速度;q代表角度;w代表角速度。

w = 50

i = i + 0.1

if i <=45 then

q = ia = 480 * w ^ 2 / 8100

step(q, -a), vbred

elseif i >=45 and i <=90 then

q = ia = 480 * w ^ 2 / 8100

step(q, -a), vbblack

elseif i >=90 and i <=150 then

q = ia = 0

step(q, -a), vbgreen

elseif i >=150 and i <=190 then

q = ia = 480 * w ^ 2 / 6400

step(q, -a), vbblue

elseif i >=190 and i <=230 then

q = ia = 480 * w ^ 2 / 6400

step(q, -a), vbred

elseif i >=230 and i <=360 then

q = ia = 0

step(q, -a), vbblack

elseend if

end sub

private sub command4_click()

= true '开启计时器;建立坐标系。

end sub

private sub timer4_timer()

static i as single

dim x as single, s as single, q as single, scaley as single, t as single 'i为静态变量,控制流程;x代表位移;s代表纵坐标ds/dq;q代表角度。

scaley = 1

t = 3.14 / 180

i = i + 0.1

if i <=45 then

q = i * t

x = 194.734 * q

s = 240 * 2 * q / 3.14) ^2

step(x, -s), vbred

elseif i >=45 and i <=90 then

q = i * t

x = 194.734 * 3.14 / 2 - q)

s = 120 - 97.367 * 3.14 / 2 - q) ^2

step(x, -s), vbred

elseif i >=90 and i <=150 then

q = i * t

x = 0s = 120 * scaley

step(x, -s), vbred

elseif i >=150 and i <=190 then

q = i * t

x = 246.46 * q - 5 * 3.14 / 6)

s = 120 - 123.23 * q - 5 * 3.14 / 6) ^2

step(x, -s), vbred

elseif i >=190 and i <=230 then

q = i * t

x = 246.46 * 23 * 3.14 / 18 - q)

s = 123.23 * 23 * 3.14 / 18 - q) ^2

step(x, -s), vbred

elseif i >=230 and i <=360 then

q = i * t

x = 0s = 0

step(x, -s), vbred

elseend if

end sub


1. 求切点转角。





harbin institute of technology 课程名称 机械原理 设计题目 凸轮结构设计 院系 机电工程学院 班级 1308108 设计者 仲星光 学号 1130810816 指导教师 林琳。设计时间 2015年6月7日 一 设计题目。如图所示直动从动件盘形凸轮机构,其原始参数见表,...


大作业 二 凸轮机构设计。题号。班级。学号。姓名。同组其他人员。完成日期。凸轮机构大作业题目。目录。1 题目及原始数据 2 推杆的运动规律及凸轮廓线方程 3 计算程序框图。4 计算程序 5 计算结果及分析 6 凸轮机构图 包括推杆及凸轮理论和实际廓线,并标出有关尺寸及计算结果。7 体会及建议。8 参...


大作业 二 凸轮机构设计。题号。班级。学号。姓名。同组其他人员。完成日期。凸轮机构大作业题目。目录。1 题目及原始数据 2 推杆的运动规律及凸轮廓线方程 3 计算程序框图。4 计算程序 5 计算结果及分析 6 凸轮机构图 包括推杆及凸轮理论和实际廓线,并标出有关尺寸及计算结果。7 体会及建议。8 参...